Welcome to the World of Omordion
Click here for a full synopsis of Secret of Omordion.
Click here for a full synopsis of Rise of Jmugea.
Map of Omordion
Characters (by order of appearance):
King Tholenod ~ (Thaw-lin-odd) tyrant of Mituwa who forms an alliance with the other kings of Eastern Omordion to defeat the Western Army
Dokami Clan ~ (Do-KA-mee) secret race of people who blended in with the inhabitants of Western Omordion for three hundred years
Hamilda Shing ~ (Ha-mill-da) teacher of Omordion’s Hope
Jogesh Shing ~ (Jo-GESH) Hamilda’s husband
Bontihm Fhakaemeli ~ (Bon-tim Fa-KAI-me-lee) Wise Man of the Dokami clan, raised Hamilda as his apprentice when her parents died
R. K. Rohjees ~ (Row-jeez) principal at Lochenby
General Komuh ~ (Ko-mo) general of the Sheidem City branch of the Western Army, overseer of Omordion’s Hope
Emperor Kolhi ~ (Cole-hee) emperor of the western country of Laspitu
Emperor Vermu ~ (Ver-moo) emperor of the western country of Saiyut and Fajha’s grandfather
Emperor Mashie ~ (Mah-SHEE) emperor of the western country of Pontotoma
Emperor Trusu ~ (Troo-soo) emperor of the western country of Udnaruk
Keshi Bayaht ~ (KE-shee Bay-YAHT) Fajha’s mother and Emperor Vermu’s daughter
Fajha Bayaht ~ (Fa-ja Bay-YAHT) fifteen-year-old member of Omordion’s Hope, born in Saiyut with the power to move objects; the ‘brains’ of the group, he is excellent with geography, knows several different languages, and learns how to ‘locate’ people from afar
Atakos Croit ~ (A-ta-kos Croyt) fifteen-year-old member of Omordion’s Hope, born in Pontotoma with the power to lift heavy objects
Zimi Emyu ~ (Zim-ee Em-yoo) fifteen-year-old member of Omordion’s Hope, born as a twin in Udnaruk with the power to manipulate wind, water, and fire
Zadeia Emyu ~ (Za-day-A Em-yoo) fifteen-year-old member of Omordion’s Hope, born as a twin in Udnaruk with the power to manipulate wind, water, and fire
Cristaden Feriau ~ (Kris-STADE-en Fe-ree-ah-o) fourteen going on fifteen-year-old member of Omordion’s Hope, born in Laspitu with the ability to ‘fix’ broken bones
Rhokh Grouseli ~ (Roke Graw-se-lee) Atakos’ friend at Lochenby
Bho and Len ~ (Bo and Len) two popular boys at Lochenby
Menyilh ~ (Men-yeel) King Tholenod’s straggly assistant
Captain Lughm ~ (Loo-gim) captain of the Southern Udnaruk branch of the Western Army who unknowingly led his comrades into an ambush in Rostihme Village
Lieutenant Emyu ~ (Em-yoo) lieutenant ordered by Captain Lughm to take Kireina back to the army base
Private Hodin ~ (Hoe-den) private ordered by Captain Lughm to take Kireina back to the army base
Kireina ~ (Kee-RAY-na) fourteen-year-old girl rescued from the destroyed Rostihme Village, lost her mother during the attack by Feim soldiers
Major Garunburj ~ (Gar-UN-Berj) major of the Southern Udnaruk branch of the Western Army
Tre-akelomin Gre-ashyu ~ (Tray-AH-ke-lo-men Gray-AASH-yoo), leader of the Dokami clan on Dokar
Maes Minat ~ (Mize Min-aht) the leader who developed the Dokami system of restraint when they landed on Omordion three hundred years ago
Lieutenant Gaojh ~ (Goj) one of General Komuh’s lieutenants who was sent to deliver bad news to Hamilda. He was later ordered to keep an eye on the members of Omordion’s Hope when Hamilda was kidnapped
Coach Mulhn ~ (Malln) Atakos’ fencing teacher
Mrs. Noume ~ (Noom) Cristaden’s Anatomy teacher
Ms. Leit ~ (Late) Zimi and Zadeia’s Biology teacher
Lieutenant Hodlin ~ (Hod-lin) one of General Komuh’s lieutenants who were ordered to keep an eye on the members of Omordion’s Hope when Hamilda was kidnapped
Lieutenant Fohln ~ (Fole-n) one of General Komuh’s lieutenants who were ordered to keep an eye on the members of Omordion’s Hope when Hamilda was kidnapped
Queen Lhainna ~ (LIE-na) the fairy queen of Sheidem Forest
Princess Kapimia ~ (Ka-Pi-mee-a) Queen Lhainna’s eldest daughter
Princess Keirak ~ (Kay-rack) Queen Lhainna’s youngest daughter, Kira’s twin sister
Saraimen and Lanchie ~ (Sa-RYE-men and Lan-chee) two fairies who had to carry Queen Lhainna back to their home after she became delirious
Prince Aillios ~ (I-lee-os) King Tholenod’s son
Frolemin ~ (Fraw-li-min) King Tholenod’s handmaid
Trisalan ~ (Tri-SA-Len) Prince Aillios’ handmaid
Omlit ~ (Ohm-lit) stable boy in Mituwa
Thashmar ~ (THASH-mar) Prince Aillios’ horse given to him by Omlit
Ojmodri ~ (OHJ-mo-dree) general in Mituwa who started the war against King Tholenod and was killed along with his army
Asmis ~ (AZ-miss) a witch who was executed by drowning in Mituwa
King Haudmont ~ (Hod-mont) king of Srepas
King Gomu ~ (Go-moo) king of Effit
King Basanpanul ~ (Bah-SAN-pahn-ool) king of Feim
Brulok ~ (BROO-lock) evil man who attempted to destroy Omordion’s mystical creatures five hundred years ago but disappeared, leaving his minions to finish the job for him
Samila ~ (Sa-MEE-la) girl sent to find Maldaha
Maldaha ~ (Mall-DA-ha) leader of the Tackeni village in Osmatu
Piedara ~ (Pee-ay-DA-ra) Maldaha’s wife
Colnaha ~ (COLE-na-ha) Maldaha’s son
Senru ~ (Sin-roo) Colnaha’s personal servant
Sanei ~ (Sa-NAY) woman in Paimonu who helped the teens find the caves
Kheiron ~ (Kay-ron) Queen Lhainna’s lover, father to twins Keirak and Kira
Kira ~ (Kee-ra) Queen Lhainna’s daughter, Keirak’s twin sister
Tre-akelomin Gre-ashyu ~ (Tray-AH-ke-lo-men Gray-AASH-yoo) [second appearance] leader of the Dokami clan on Dokar
Omordion ~ (Oh-MOR-dee-an)
Hechi River ~ (Heh-chi) River that separates Mituwa from Srepas
Mituwa ~ (Mi-too-wa) a country in Eastern Omordion where King Tholenod rules
Srepas ~ (SHREE-pahs) northernmost country in Eastern Omordion
Lochenby ~ (Lock-en-bee) boarding school on Sheidem Island
Sheidem ~ (Shay-dim) an island south of Laspitu where Lochenby is
Pontotoma ~ (Pon-toe-toe-ma) country south of Sheidem in Western Omordion where Atakos is from
Saiyut ~ (Say-yoot) country west of Pontotoma
Udnaruk ~ (OOD-na-rook) southernmost country of Western Omordion where Zimi and Zadeia are from
Laspitu ~ (Lahs-pee-too) northernmost country of Western Omordion where Cristaden is from
Hotel Ramoul ~ (Rah-mool) Hotel located in Sheidem City
Feim ~ (Fame) southernmost country of Eastern Omordion
Effit ~ (EFF-it) country below Mituwa and east of Feim
Osmatu ~ (Oz-MA-too) rocky terrain after Sheidem Forest and before the Suthack Desert
Hortu ~ (Hor-too) village west of Sheidem City where Bontihm resides
Thackenbur ~ (Ta-kin-ber) Island where Maldaha lived before he moved his family to Osmatu
Tackeni ~ (Ta-kin-ee) people and language derived from Thackenbur Island
Suthack Desert ~ (Soo-tahk) desert between Osmatu and the Hejdian Sea
Paimonu ~ (PI-mo-noo) island near Sheidem where the teens believed Hamilda was being held captive
Sremati Volcano ~ (Shri-MA-tee) volcano on Paimonu
Rostihme Village ~ (Rus-teem) village in Southern Udnaruk where Kireina is from that was attacked by Feim soldiers in the middle of the night, killing hundreds while taking some people captive
Chrulm Village ~ (Sh-rull-m) village in Udnaruk
Stream of Asmis ~ (Az-miss) beautiful stream Tholenod follows heading towards the Nikul River, named after the witch Asmis who was executed by drowning
Nikul River ~ (Ni-cool) river that separates Mituwa, Feim, and Effit from each other
Ardomion Caves ~ (AR-Doh-mee-on) caves near the Sremati Volcano where the teens believe Hamilda is being held captive
Oeua ~ (Oh-E-oo-a) an ancient word used for Omordion
Koelo Mok ~ (Ko-E-Lo Mock) ancient word for the island of Paimonu
Magical Creatures:
Flitnies ~ (flit-nees) small people who tended to the land and performed magic; lived on Omordion hundreds of years ago
Chylems ~ (kli-zems) large blue birds with multicolored wings that breathed fire; lived on Omordion hundreds of years ago
Ceanaves ~ (See-An-naves) Very strong sea creatures who resembled humans but had tinted green skin and fins on scales, eyes the color of the sea, and pink, blue, green, or purple hair; lived on Omordion hundreds of years ago
Beasts of Prey:
Oblots ~ (OB-lots) minion of Brulok, bear-like large beasts with red beady eyes and razor sharp teeth and claws
Harpelily Butterflies ~ (Harp-e-lilee) beautiful butterflies with long tails that mesmerizes fairies and leads them to oblots
Valdeec Birds ~ (Vall-deek) large, vulture-like birds that live in the Suthack Desert
Desert Karsas ~ (Kar-sus) Brulok’s minions who resemble an oversized, oddly shaped lizard; as tall as a grown man with scaly flesh, short arms and a long tail
Montapu Lizards ~ (Mon-ta-poo) poisonous, sandy-colored lizards that live in the Suthack Desert
Radicirculatem on a GDFP 36 model automobile ~ a circular radio designed for a child automobile. In Chapter 7, Atakos asks Fajha, who seems to know everything, if he knew what it was but, of course, Fajha knows nothing about automobiles